Winter is coming: Get help staying warm at home
For older adults with fixed or low incomes, it can be difficult making ends meet each month. The added cost of home heating during the winter might even force some to turn down the thermostat or cut back on other necessities – including food and medicine.
Assistance programs are available to help older adults pay for home heating and other utilities.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides financial assistance to income-eligible households to pay energy bills. LIHEAP is a federal program administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) and consists of three components:
- Cash Benefits: Helps limited-income customers pay their home energy bill.
- Crisis: Helps limited-income customers meet home emergency situations and restore services if their service has been shut off.
- Weatherization: Helps qualified limited-income customers reduce their energy consumption through home improvements.
Consumers who qualify for Cash and Crisis can receive both. For more information or assistance, call the LIHEAP Helpline at 215-560-1583 or go to
Utility Emergency Services Fund (UESF) provides financial assistance to income-eligible individuals and families who are facing utility terminations or who have had their utilities shut off. PECO and the Philadelphia Water Department match each dollar UESF provides.
The Utility Grant Program is designed to bring a customer’s delinquent account up to date. UESF’s financial assistance, the matching utility bill credit, and any contribution by the individual must zero out the utility bill. Families and individuals who are eligible may receive assistance every two years.
To be eligible for a utility grant, the total household income must be at or below 175% of the federal poverty guidelines.
For information or assistance, call UESF at 215-972-5170 or go to
Energy Coordinating Agency (ECA) is a trusted community resource for Philadelphians seeking heating system repair, home weatherization, utility bill assistance, energy conservation education and connections to a wide range of services across the city.
- Heating support: Free heating system support for income-eligible Philadelphians.
- Weatherization programs: Save money on utility bills and increase comfort in the home with high-quality energy efficiency and home weatherization services for income-eligible Philadelphians.
- Neighborhood Energy Centers: ECA’s network of 16 Neighborhood Energy Centers (NECs) serves as one-stop shops for community members to learn about utility bill assistance programs, home repair and weatherization, budget counseling, and connection to services across the city.
For more information or assistance, contact ECA at 215-609-1000 or
Utility company assistance programs
The Public Utility Commission requires utilities to have programs and protections that help customers with limited incomes keep their utility service. These programs may help pay utility bills or lower the amount of electricity or natural gas used. Each company has the following programs:
- Budget billing: Based on the customer’s past 12 months of energy usage, a fixed “average” amount is billed each month.
- Customer Assistance Programs (CAP): This program is set up between the utility company and a limited-income, payment-troubled customer to pay utility bills based on household size and gross household income. Customers make regular monthly payments in exchange for continued utility service.
- Customer Assistance Referral and Evaluation Program (CARES): Helps customers with unique needs, including family emergencies, divorce, unemployment or medical emergencies.
- Low-Income Usage Reduction Program (LIURP): Helps limited-income residential customers lower the amount of- electricity or natural gas used each month. The utility company may provide free home weatherization.
- Hardship Funds: Provides cash assistance to help customers pay their utility bills, after the other resources have been exhausted.
If you or someone you know is without utility service, or has received a utility shut-off notice, call your local utility company for help:
- Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) Customer Responsibility Program: 215-235-1000
- PECO Customer Assistance Program: 1-800-774-7040
- Philadelphia Water Department Tier Assistance Program and Senior Citizen Discount Program: 215-685-6300