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Watch: PCA’s support for senior meal program highlighted in 6abc Art of Aging segment

John Deangelis

PCA was recently showcased on 6abc’s Art of Aging segment, a news series that connects adults with various resources throughout the region. PCA provides crucial support to senior community centers and satellite meal sites, addressing food insecurity among the elderly in Philadelphia. At KleinLife in Northeast Philadelphia, where diverse cultures converge for daily lunches, PCA plays a pivotal role. They fully subsidize the congregate meals, allowing local seniors to access nutritious meals without any cost. Poppy Karros, a beneficiary of the lunch program, expresses her pride in the place and its positive impact on her well-being.

KleinLife also boasts a community garden and small orchard, enriching the variety of fresh produce available. This year, raspberries, strawberries, apples, peaches, figs, and pawpaw fruits have been harvested. The orchard’s bounty is integrated into the meals served, enhancing the nutritional value and flavor of the offerings.

Skylar Young, special projects coordinator for PCA, emphasizes the significance of such initiatives in seniors’ diets, particularly as they age. KleinLife participates in PCA’s Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, distributing vouchers worth $50 to seniors. These vouchers grant access to fresh produce from farmers’ markets around the city, promoting healthy eating and supporting local farmers. The program is available to seniors aged 60 and over, residing in Philadelphia, and meeting specific income guidelines.

In addition to the meal program, the community-driven approach of KleinLife, backed by PCA’s support, exemplifies a blessing for seniors like Poppy Karros, who find not only nourishment but also a sense of belonging and well-being in this nurturing environment.

Click the link below to watch the full segment:

Art of Aging: Philadelphia Corporation for Aging supports senior meal program at KleinLife in Northeast Philly- 6abc Philadelphia

Categories: Elder Care Food News about PCA


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