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WATCH: PCA hosts opening reception for its 22nd Annual Celebrate Arts & Aging Exhibit 

Bill Conallen

Philadelphia Corporation for Aging’s (PCA) 22nd annual “Celebrate Arts & Aging” (CAA) exhibition kicked off with a splash as NBC10 captured the vibrant spirit of the event in their coverage. Showcasing artwork from over 50 older adult artists at the library, the exhibition aims to underscore the vitality and creativity that flourish in one’s later years. 

The opening reception, held on Wednesday, May 8 from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. at the Parkway Central Library was attended by PCA staff including Laura Weinbaum, Chief Operating Officer of PCA. The event featured the work of signature artist Philip Cohn, a remarkable centenarian whose piece, “Under the Boardwalk,” serves as a beacon of inspiration for countless other artistic older Philadelphians eager to share their stories of a lifetime. 

The exhibition, running throughout Older Americans Month from May 1 to 31, aims to highlight the transformative power of creativity in enhancing health and wellbeing in later life. In the face of challenges, such as those presented by the current historical moment, creativity has proven instrumental in keeping older adults stimulated and engaged. 

Notably, NBC10’s coverage brings wider attention to the significance of the CAA exhibition and its message of resilience and growth in older adulthood. Viewers were offered a glimpse into the diverse and vibrant artworks on display, as well as the inspiring stories behind them. 

For those unable to attend in person, a virtual show of the full collection is available online via PCA’s website at Additionally, the artwork will be displayed at the Center on the Hill in Chestnut Hill and South Philadelphia Older Adult Center throughout May, with a closing reception scheduled for May 30 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. 

Categories: Arts & Crafts News about PCA


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