Empowering change: Share your insights in shaping support for older Pennsylvanians

Pennsylvania-based partners and the University of Pittsburgh are supporting the efforts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, led by the Pennsylvania Department on Aging, to develop a Master Plan for Older Adults.
Governor Shapiro, through Executive Order 2023-09, directed the development of this plan to address barriers in the service system and infrastructure faced by older Pennsylvanians and adults with disabilities to support improved health, well-being, and quality of life.
This survey is designed to capture the experience of older adults and adults with disabilities across a wide range of issues. The issues in this survey have been identified as important for people as they age and for people who have disabilities. However, it is not meant to be all-inclusive. There is a space at the end of the survey to share any other suggestions or issues you find important.
Your responses are anonymous and will be used to create a profile of the needs of older adults and adults with disabilities that will inform the Commonwealth’s planning process. Please use this link to share any questions or concerns you have about the process.
Stakeholders, older adults, people living with disabilities, caregivers and community leaders are also encouraged to attend a listening session hosted by PCA throughout the month of September.